Feng Zhang

Feng Zhang

Assistant Professor

Nanchang University


I received my master training from Jiangxi Agricultural University where I was supervised by Dr. Huang Lusheng. I joined Dr. Li changxi’ group as a joint Phd student at University of Alberta . I currently working as an assistant professor at the Institute of Translational Medicine, Nanchang University.

  • Multi-omics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Biomarkers for cancer
  • Ph.D in Animal Genetics, 2017

    University of Alberta and Jiangxi agricultural university

  • M.Sc. in Animal Genetics, 2014

    Jiangxi Agricultural University

  • B.Sc. in Agronomy, 2011

    Jiangxi Agricultural University










Machine Learning



Assistant Professor
Sep 2017 – Present Nanchang

Focusing on the prognostic biomarkers for different cancers:

  • Comprehensive analysis of long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) associated competing endogenous RNA network in Wilms’ tumor
  • Identified integrated mRNA-lncRNA signature to improve prognosis prediction of Cholangiocarcinoma
Joint PhD student
Sep 2014 – Jul 2017 Edmonton

Focusing on molecular characterization of feed efficiency related traits in beef cattle through whole genome-wide sequencing (WGS) data analyses:

  • Estimated phenotypic and genetic relationships of residual feed intake measures and their component traits with fatty acid composition in subcutaneous adipose of beef cattle
  • Imputed genotype from 50K bovine beadchip to whole genome wide sequence using FImpute, Beagle and Impute2 software
  • Performed genome wide association analysis (GWAS) for feed efficient and carcass traits in Canadian beef cattle by GCTA software
  • Compared the accuracy of genomic prediction for feed efficiency and carcass merit traits in within and across beef cattle using GBLUP, BayesB, BayesR and BayesRC.
MSc student
Sep 2011 – Jul 2014 Nanchang

Focusing on the genetic architecture of complex traits in pig through WGS data analyses :

  • Performed GWAS for 15 hematological traits in 495 Chinese Sutai pigs
  • Developed an R package (RegionPlot) to visualize a region of genome wide associate study results
  • Contributed to identify the candidate loci and adaptive evolutionary history of European pigs and Chinese Tibetan boars by WGS
  • Contributed to impute the WGS of 418 Sutai pigs and perform association tests to detected the missing QTL for lumbar number

Honors and Awards

Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of Jiangxi Province
Scholarship of Academic Excellence
The National Scholarship of China
Scholarship of Academic Excellence
Scholarship of Academic Excellence
Outstanding Graduates of Jiangxi Agricultural University

Selected Publications

  • Jiang Q., Chen M., Yang X., Zhuge D., Yin Q., Tian D., Li L., Zhang X., Xu W., Liu S., Li F., Weng C., Lin Y., Wang H., Rao D., Chen Y., Cai Q., Yan L., Wang L., Wang F., Lu X., Wen B., Zhao Y.*, Zhang F.*, Xia W.*, Zhu H.*, and Chen Y.*, Doxorubicin Detoxification in Healthy Organs Improves Tolerability to High Drug Doses for Enhanced Antitumor Therapy. ACS Nano, 2023. 17(8): p. 7705-7720. Pubmed
  • Yang Y., Yu J., Xiong Y., Xiao J., Dai D.*, and Zhang F.*, Prognostic Analysis of Differentially Expressed DNA Damage Repair Genes in Bladder Cancer. Pathol Oncol Res, 2022. 28: p. 1610267. Pubmed
  • Zhang, F., Y. Wang, R. Mukiibi, L. et al. Genetic architecture of quantitative traits in beef cattle revealed by genome wide association studies of imputed whole genome sequence variants: I: feed efficiency and component traits. BMC Genomics, 2020. 21(1):36. Pubmed
  • Zhang F., Zeng L.P., Cai Q.M. et al. Comprehensive analysis of long noncoding RNA-associated competing endogenous RNA network in Wilms’ tumor. Cancer Control. 2020, 27(2): 1073274820936991 Pubmed
  • Zhang F., Ekine-Dzivenu C., Vinsky M. et al. Phenotypic and genetic relationships of residual feed intake measures and their component traits with fatty acid composition in subcutaneous adipose of beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science. 2017 Pubmed
  • Xin W.1, Zhang F.1, Yan G. et al. A Whole Genome Sequence Association study for Puberty in a large Duroc x Erhualian F2 Population. Animal Genetics. 2017 Pubmed
  • Zhang F., Zhang Z., He Y., et al. RegionPlot: an R package for regional plot association results of pigs. Animal Genetics. 2015, 46(1): 94-95 Pubmed
  • Zhang F., Zhang Z., Yan X., et al. Genome-wide association studies for hematological traits in Chinese Sutai pigs. BMC Genetics. 2014, 15(1): 41 Pubmed
  • Zhang F., Li J., Huang L.S. and Zhang Z.Y. Bioinformatics analysis of ELOVL7 gene in Sutai pig. China Journal of Bioinformatics, 2014, (4):242-248. Pubmed
  • Ai H., Fang X., Yang B., Huang Z., Chen H., Mao L.,Zhang F. et al. Adaptation and possible ancient interspecies introgression in pigs identified by whole-genome sequencing. Nature Genetics. 2015, 47(3):217-225. Pubmed
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